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Inhalational drug delivery of COVIRIX antiviral treatments of COVID infections

The logic behind and implications of using an inhalation delivery platform for these products 

COVID-19 is a pulmonary disease which is primarily caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus being transmitted via airborne aerosol inhaled into the respiratory airway and the lungs. Accordingly, vaccine or any drug that is administered by intramuscular injection to go into the blood stream will produce effects which will take a longer pathway to reach the site of first infections.
Administration of COVIRIX antiviral via inhalational delivery will enable our drug to attack the virus at site of infections directly, be more targeted, and requiring smaller dosage than if administered by intramuscular injection, thereby minimizing or eliminating any potential side effects.
COVIRIX antiviral drug is a dual action antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatment which while killing the virus will also help to dampen the inflammatory conditions due to the infection.

COVIRIX ANTI-VIRAL – Inhalational Delivery

Our rationale, implications of, and logic behind using an inhalation delivery platform for COVIRIX products:

COVID-19 is a pulmonary disease. It is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, transmitted via airborne aerosol inhaled into the respiratory airways and infects/damages the lungs. We know from our pharma industry experience that respiratory diseases are best treated by well-targeted bespoke inhaled medicines.

Accordingly, antiviral drugs systemically delivered via oral or injection will be substantially diluted and are often metabolised before reaching its target in the respiratory tract. Similarly, a vaccine or any pharmaceutical drug that is administered by intramuscular injection to go into the systemic blood stream will produce effects which will take a longer pathway at a higher dose to reach the site of first infections.

Administration of COVIRIX antiviral via inhalational delivery will enable our drugs to be targeted directly and topically onto infected cells in the respiratory tract, to attack the virus at these sites of infections. We know from our experience that this approach substantially reduces the effective dosage needed, than if administered by oral or intramuscular injection, thereby minimizing or eliminating any potential side effects.

Our COVIRIX antiviral drug is a dual action antiviral with anti-inflammatory properties which both is effective in preventing viral replication AND also in dampening the inflammatory condition known to accompany the viral infection.

Respiratory drug delivery is one of the most challenging dose forms to design and develop: our team have globally-leading track records in this specialist field, giving COVIRIX a unique position to combat COVID-19.


All COVIRIX antivirals are of the iminosugar glucosidase class, targeting the same host molecular target

Human alpha glucosidase inhibition interferes with viral entry and more specifically viral replication at the level of glycoprotein maturation

These are widely-studied in the antiviral field including Phase II/III human trials against HIV, Dengue and Hep C

Extensive safety data is available in humans, including approved drugs

Historically, all of these have been through traditional oral delivery

This offers opportunities to repurpose these approved human drugs through the inhaled delivery route

This provides direct delivery to the site of action

Targeted delivery provides immediate onset and higher localised concentrations

Expect significantly improved safety profile

Novel forms and route provide patentable medicines

The mechanism of action offers resistance advantage and likely to be effective against all SARS-Co-V variants

COVIRIX Antivirals Inhibit SARS-CoV-2

Lead compound for repurposed anti-viral use: CVX-20733 activity against SARS-CoV-2 verified by world leading contract research company: Viroclinics, Netherlands

EC50 = 19 ug/mL v South African (Beta variant in non-human primate Vero Cells)

Other new molecules in series single digit EC50 v Alpha, Beta, and parental strain (eg 0.1 ug/mL EC50 for CVX-20700)

Compounds in the class ~10x more potency in human respiratory cells demonstrated by Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia

Activity against the Delta variant being undertaken by Viroclinics, Netherlands in January 2022

Evidence of strong synergy with known SARS-CoV-2 antivirals

Formulation of Inhaled Drug


Inhaler Devices


Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road 
Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 



Prof Kumud Dhital
CEO & Director

Richard Li
Executive Director & Head of Corporate Development

Dr Ian Nixon
CMO & Director